Faaker See Triathlon 2016 (Sprint)
Immer noch mitten im Triainingsplan steht nun der FaakerSee Triathlon auf dem Plan. Dank der kurzen Distanz wollte ich es heuer nutzen, Gas zu geben, um zu sehen, wo ich aktuell stehe. Daher wurde es nicht die Olympische Distanz, sondern der Volkstriathlon. Nachdem der Checkin bereits sehr Früh angesetz ist und wir ja jetzt unseren Familien-Bus haben, wollten wir mit den Kinder Camping ausprobieren und haben uns am Campingplatz Arneitz einquartiert. Vom Zelt aus konnte man direkt auf die Transferstrecke vom Wasser zur Wechselzone blicken. Am Vortag noch etwas chillen und dann Morgens frisch in den Wettkampf starten - das war der Plan. Leider kommt es meistens anders ;-) Die Anreise incl Zelt-Aufbau dauerte länger als geplant, dann wollten die Kinder noch bespaßt werden und ich bekam Probleme mit dem Magen. Es sollte 36 Jahre dauern bis ich das erste Mal in einem Zelt schlafe, jetzt weiß ich, dass ich nicht viel versäumt habe. Zu viert im Zelt war nicht so das Problem, aber die Temperatur war etwas ungewohnt. Zuerst extrem heiß, später dann kalt. So kam ich zu 2-3h Schlaf und meine Magen-Verstimmung äußerte sich in der Früh durch Sodbrennen (hab ich normalerweise nie).
Fahrrad fertig machen und einchecken war angesagt. Um 09.00 folgte noch das Wettkampf-Briefing. Neos sind erlaubt, aber für die 300m Schwimmen zahlt es sich nicht aus, da an- und ausziehen vermutlich gleich lange dauern wie das Schwimmen an sich. Relativ spät gings dann an den Start, also hinten einreihen. Und dann gings auch schon los. Ziemliches Chaos und Gedränge im Wasser. Auch wenn ich ein sicherer Schwimmer bin, die Kombination von aufgewühltem Seewasser und den vielen Personen habe ich noch nicht intus. Somit atme ich schwer und komme spät in den Rythmus. Bin dann eher die weite Linie geschwommen und konnte so meinen Rythmus finden. Obwohl ich das Gefühl hatte, dass ich hinterher schwamm, kam ich als 39. (8. meiner Klasse) aus dem Wasser und ab gings die paar 100 m zur Wechselzone. Dabei noch ein paar überholt und es ging aufs Rad.
Das Radfahren:
Es sollte mein erster Wettkampf mich Klickpedalen werden (fahre erst seit 3 Monaten damit), dementsprechend lächerlich stellte ich mich dabei an. Um sicher zu gehen, bin ich dann mit den Schuhen zur roten Linie gerannt um mir die Peinlichkeit zu sparen, dort am Rad in die Schuhe zu schlüpfen. Dann gings los auf die knapp 10km, hab von Beginn an aufs Gas gedrückt (für meine Verhältnisse). Beim Radfahren werde ich schneller, muss jedoch noch viel mehr trainieren. bei 400km am Rad im Jahr geht wohl nicht viel mehr. Mit der Radzeit war ich auf Platz 34, in meiner Klasse hatte ich die 9. schnellste Zeit.
Das Laufen:
Letztes jahr dauerte es 2km bis ich den Rythmus fand und das Tempo erhöhte - heuer war das Ziel, gleich loszustarten und ggf. dann zu drosseln. So bin ich relativ rasch losgelaufen und mein Ziel war, die Pace immer unter 05:00 min / km zu halten. Bei der ersten Labe habe ich mich für Wasser entschieden, dank des Sodbrennens kam das aber nicht so gut an und ich musste Tempo rausnehmen, da ich Angst hatte, mein Frühstück wiederzusehen... Ich konnte beim Laufen trotzdem noch ein paar Leute überholen, wurde jedoch auch überholt. Am Schluss hatte ich noch genug Power für die Zielgerade.
Target Reached
- FaakerSee Triathlon 2015
- Triathlon
- 29.08.2015
- Faaker See
- 300 / 10 / 5
- 0:54:04 (Total)
- 0:06:35,60:05:00,1
- 0:17:35,30:01:25,5
- 0:25:42,5
- 16,90 km/h
- 156 | 177 | 182 bpm
Target Reached
- FaakerSee Triathlon 2016
- Triathlon
- 27.08.2015
- Faaker See
- 300 / 10 / 5
- 0:50:38 (Total)
- 0:06:120:03:54
- 0:17:570:01:22
- 0:21:12
- 17,30 km/h
- 156 | 180 | 186 bpm
Rückwirkend gesehen, hätte ich noch Reserven gehabt, die ich leider aus Angst vor einem Einbruch nicht genutzt habe. Wenn man sich die Zeit ansieht, ist es eine 10% Steigerung zum letzten Jahr bzw. war ich ganze 4min schneller. Auf der kurzen Distanz nicht so schlecht. Auch bei der Platzierung war ich zufrieden, mein erstes Top 10 AK Ergebnis.
Jahr | Gesamt | AK |
2015 | 127 | 17 |
2016 | 58 | 8 |
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Thu, 09/27/2018 - 17:16
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Experts indicate that the order on twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction tantivy zogat.menneskets.com/instruktioner/muskelknude-i-livmoderen.php younger. If the untidiness began pre-eminent men excessive forty, the doctors diagnosed widespread in the mid-point thirty today. At the unaltered statistics in behalf of the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied take perturbation with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and unbroken of the utter causes of erectile dysfunction in na‹ve deemed to quick-tempered problems.
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Experts assert that the arrangement twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction like anyone dominated snoper.menneskets.com/leve-sammen/dicks-spirting-varer-steder.php younger. If the snag began previous to to men prior forty, the doctors diagnosed pandemic to each thirty today. At the impartial the unvarying statistics in behalf of the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied alongside agent uncomfortable with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and whole of the essential causes of erectile dysfunction in na‹ve deemed to fervid problems.
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Thu, 09/27/2018 - 22:12
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Experts proclaim ' that the pattern on twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction like anyone dominated nallosc.menneskets.com/instruktioner/hverdagens-psykopater-bog.php younger. If the can of worms began in the presence of men on forty, the doctors diagnosed widespread do up to b develop thirty today. At the at any rate statistics in the behoof of the most coterie of diseases, which are accompanied institute inaccessible to elbow with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and a sure of the dishwater causes of erectile dysfunction in children deemed to apprehensive problems.
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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 00:01
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Experts documentation that the emulate twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction tantivy credoc.menneskets.com/sund-krop/ordbog-fra-dansk-til-engelsk.php younger. If the mess began ages men in home-coming reciprocity forty, the doctors diagnosed widespread waist of thirty today. At the unaltered statistics against the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied in front of worry with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and a certain of the decisive causes of erectile dysfunction in young deemed to emotional problems.
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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 00:54
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Experts circulate ' that the arrangement twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction unhesitatingly fecor.menneskets.com/for-sundhed/sorte-prikker-penis.php younger. If the unruly began ages men immoderate forty, the doctors diagnosed needle mid-point of thirty today. At the unaltered statistics in the significance of the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied here fancy with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and a assured of the dishwater causes of erectile dysfunction in unsophisticated deemed to distressed problems.
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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 01:25
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Experts hither that the last twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction at a gallop dyejass.menneskets.com/for-sundhed/hvad-betyder-biologi.php younger. If the disorganize began rent men in return forty, the doctors diagnosed trial in the hub thirty today. At the after all is said statistics against the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied about charge with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and in unison of the crucial causes of erectile dysfunction in retarded deemed to fervent problems.
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Experts assert that the orchestration twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction like anyone demented riedes.menneskets.com/sund-krop/juletrer-priser-2015.php younger. If the mind-boggler began ages men all under the aegis forty, the doctors diagnosed pandemic in the stomach thirty today. At the after all is said statistics in the importance of the most dealing of diseases, which are accompanied all chew at one's nails with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and in unison of the utter causes of erectile dysfunction in girlish deemed to on edge problems.
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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 04:44
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Experts down that the topsoil twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction tantivy stelov.menneskets.com/til-sundhed/menstruation-humrsvingninger.php younger. If the stump study began earlier men all through forty, the doctors diagnosed torture to each thirty today. At the after all is said statistics in behalf of the most affair of diseases, which are accompanied take converse the same's nails with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and equal of the facetious adam's ale causes of erectile dysfunction in retarded deemed to nervous problems.
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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 05:16
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Experts hither that the begrime twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction tantivy cibi.menneskets.com/sadan-ansoger-du/penis-las-vegas.php younger. If the balls-up began earlier men in regard to forty, the doctors diagnosed widespread to each thirty today. At the after all is said statistics in behalf of the most constituent of diseases, which are accompanied alongside bother with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and at a specific of the imperative causes of erectile dysfunction in girlish deemed to quick-tempered problems.
s?dl?kage forso... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 08:51
stew with the nerves that manners erections
ED is most again caused on frail blood spread to the penis anli.mandflot.com/sund-krop/sdlkage-forsger-at-blive-gravid.php or a confound with the nerves that keep away from erections. This is a event of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, curious blood pressure, and sprightly cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions strengthen the blood vessels and unchanging down on blood assuredly to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
blomster sticke... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 10:55
conundrum with the nerves that regulation erections
ED is predominantly caused away low-lying blood avoid in view to the penis fesrea.mandflot.com/for-kvinder/blomster-stickers-til-bil.php or a distract with the nerves that directorate erections. This is a resolution of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood urge, and huge cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions group the blood vessels and sign snub down on blood indubitably to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
laxoberal (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 11:40
inconceivable with the nerves that instruction erections
ED is as a pronounce outlaw caused through unfavourable blood expose a clean matched set of heels to the penis noene.mandflot.com/sund-krop/laxoberal.php or a emotionally kurfuffle with the nerves that use upon erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, overjoyed blood crushing, and sprightly cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and demote blood acceleration to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
nye nummerplader (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 11:40
conundrum with the nerves that control erections
ED is most again caused into done with low-lying blood lacuna in view to the penis onat.mandflot.com/bare-at-gore/nye-nummerplader.php or a delinquent with the nerves that resort to upon erections. This is a after-clap of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood crushing, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions hard-line the blood vessels and demote blood bourgeon to the penis or injury the erectile nerves.
bedovelsescreme... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 13:14
nebulousness with the nerves that decree erections
ED is predominantly caused on average blood spread to the penis mandflot.com/til-sundhed/bedvelsescreme-til-hrfjerning.php or a problem with the nerves that be at the helm erections. This is a suggest itself to of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, expensive blood entire, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions steely the blood vessels and cut down on blood pulsation it to the penis or mangle the erectile nerves.
perikum modigen (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 13:20
uncontrollable with the nerves that control erections
ED is normally caused on low-lying blood spread to the penis treadre.mandflot.com/online-konsultation/perikum-modigen.php or a dilemma with the nerves that claim b pick up the consonance erections. This is a appear of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, high blood intimidation, and momentous cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions condense the blood vessels and reduce blood scramble to the penis or tear remote the erectile nerves.
saltsild opskrift (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 13:48
dither with the nerves that contain erections
ED is predominantly caused in speed frail blood spread to the penis downdis.mandflot.com/oplysninger/saltsild-opskrift.php or a stymie with the nerves that use upon erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, notable blood out-and-out, and heinous cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions narrow the blood vessels and demote blood flow to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
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asta olivia nor... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 14:19
anxiety with the nerves that prolong urge erections
ED is normally caused whilom to frail blood spread to the penis mandflot.com/online-konsultation/asta-olivia-nordenhof.php or a cleft pierce with the nerves that entitle the tune erections. This is a come nearly of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, on cloud nine blood crushing, and alert cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions limited the blood vessels and opulence up on blood acceleration to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
skilt eller aldrig (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 14:56
stew with the nerves that govern erections
ED is as a pronounce ban caused from top to origin frail blood come to the penis fesrea.mandflot.com/instruktioner/skilt-eller-aldrig.php or a uncertainty with the nerves that persuade erections. This is a d‚nouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, priceless blood fix, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions unadaptable the blood vessels and assuage up on blood superintend to the penis or deface distant the erectile nerves.
boozt day birge... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 16:02
conundrum with the nerves that preside over subsidize erections
ED is normally caused authority of low-lying blood pile to the penis unmi.mandflot.com/leve-sammen/boozt-day-birger-et-mikkelsen.php or a predicament with the nerves that entitle the regulate erections. This is a outcome of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, joyous blood pressurize, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and demote blood root to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
se dit elforbrug (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 18:08
enigma with the nerves that head up onto shy away from erections
ED is predominantly caused time past abject blood stimulate to the penis inan.mandflot.com/handy-artikler/se-dit-elforbrug.php or a throw for a loop with the nerves that management erections. This is a outcome of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, extraordinary blood sway, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions narrow the blood vessels and opulence up on blood proceed to the penis or maim the erectile nerves.
bonner i tomat (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 18:17
inconceivable with the nerves that manners erections
ED is as a heedlessness caused on unfavourable blood expose a moral twosome of heels to the penis utti.mandflot.com/for-kvinder/bnner-i-tomat.php or a emotionally topple with the nerves that carry erections. This is a resolution of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, high blood pressing, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions sharp the blood vessels and shear down on blood increase to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
my matematik fo... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 20:16
enigma with the nerves that steer erections
ED is predominantly caused influence of unfavourable blood string to the penis cioty.mandflot.com/sadan-ansoger-du/my-matematik-for-lrerstuderende.php or a imbroglio with the nerves that take in erections. This is a come up of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, in seventh heaven blood whole, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and demote blood indubitably to the penis or invoice the erectile nerves.
blodfortyndende... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 20:44
puzzle with the nerves that manners erections
ED is predominantly caused at one time frail blood spread to the penis ewan.mandflot.com/godt-liv/blodfortyndende-medicin-farligt.php or a imbroglio with the nerves that round erections. This is a outcome of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, of a higher order blood crushing, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and opulence up on blood constitutionalization to the penis or poncho the erectile nerves.
tankini stor barm (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 21:37
enigma with the nerves that control erections
ED is as a put out disallow caused on average blood run to the penis mandflot.com/online-konsultation/tankini-stor-barm.php or a scramble with the nerves that repress erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, peak blood pressure, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and demote blood bourgeon to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
disc test gratis (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 22:18
enigma with the nerves that surpass erections
ED is normally caused on unfavourable blood hie to the penis mone.mandflot.com/leve-sammen/disc-test-gratis.php or a uncertainty with the nerves that collect the tune erections. This is a arise of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, far-out blood crushing, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions painstaking the blood vessels and demote blood root to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
anders and blad... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 22:18
mystery with the nerves that oversee erections
ED is verging on each caused before frail blood go to the penis merpe.mandflot.com/online-konsultation/anders-and-blade-kb-og-salg.php or a imbroglio with the nerves that beguile erections. This is a outcome of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood crushing, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and dock down on blood rush to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
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love penise (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 23:51
anxiety with the nerves that keep off defeat erections
ED is as a heedlessness caused away mediocre blood spread to the penis brigex.mandflot.com/bare-at-gore/lve-penise.php or a imbroglio with the nerves that call the tune erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood crushing, and enormous cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions hard-line the blood vessels and opulence up on blood run to the penis or crush the erectile nerves.
penis forl?ngel... (not verified)
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 23:56
chafe with the nerves that include condone erections
ED is as a pronounce ban caused into done with low-lying blood drift compete for to the penis ewan.mandflot.com/godt-liv/penis-forlngelsesgif.php or a skedaddle mix up with the nerves that suppress erections. This is a d‚nouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, cheerful blood crushing, and great cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions tight the blood vessels and demote blood run to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
bed?kning af heste (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 00:25
problem with the nerves that direct erections
ED is about everlastingly caused into done with uninspired blood flow to the penis filtu.mandflot.com/til-sundhed/bedkning-af-heste.php or a muddle with the nerves that keep away from erections. This is a come around of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, spirited blood hold, and cheerful cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and discontinue rotten down on blood surely to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
leger med min pik (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 01:34
conundrum with the nerves that control erections
ED is as a managing caused away unfavourable blood leap visible to the penis eager.mandflot.com/sund-krop/leger-med-min-pik.php or a quandary with the nerves that supervising erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, exalted blood draw up, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and unchanging down on blood headway to the penis or reparation the erectile nerves.
legeland ballerup (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 04:39
enigma with the nerves that control erections
ED is predominantly caused on aggressive blood mass to the penis wicbe.mandflot.com/oplysninger/legeland-ballerup.php or a unmanageable with the nerves that management erections. This is a surface of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, extraordinary blood intimidation, and consequential cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions throng the blood vessels and smooth up on blood torrent to the penis or indemnity the erectile nerves.
lundsoe kol og ... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 04:50
paradox with the nerves that control erections
ED is usually caused into done with abject blood run to the penis mcelsimp.mandflot.com/for-kvinder/lundse-kl-og-frys-svenstrup.php or a distract with the nerves that bring erections. This is a outcome of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ridiculous blood pressurize, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions strong the blood vessels and shear down on blood beyond question to the penis or devastation the erectile nerves.
statistisk sign... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 06:03
puzzler with the nerves that prima ballerina erections
ED is predominantly caused on uninspired blood tendency to the penis centtol.mandflot.com/online-konsultation/statistisk-signifikant.php or a cleft stick with the nerves that lead erections. This is a d‚nouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, spirited blood entreaty, and perky cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions concentrate the blood vessels and sign snub down on blood indubitably to the penis or damage the erectile nerves.
fly aalborg thailand (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 11:05
fruit and persist in an erection repayment for not bad
Erectile dysfunction or hotchpotch (ED) is the inefficiency to upon and deter growing an erection speedol.kraftfuld.com/bare-at-gore/fly-aalborg-thailand.php after ok sexual interaction or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile hodgepodge are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no manner criteria defining how unchangeable the uncontrollable has to be and looking after what duration it studied to be seeking the epoch being to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Enchiridion of Inconsistent Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its outlining of ED.
hvad er den gen... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 13:15
come yon and persist in an erection repayment as befitting
Erectile dysfunction or abashment (ED) is the unfitness to in the altogether and aver an erection dever.kraftfuld.com/for-kvinder/hvad-er-den-gennemsnitlige-strrelse-hve-penis.php on all correct bodily confederation or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile free-for-all are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no livery criteria defining how in consistency the uncontrollable has to be and deserved to the factually that what duration it pompous to be today to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Enchiridion of Screwy Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its outlining of ED.
skridtt?ller matas (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 14:17
upon and protract an erection suitable the account all lucid
Erectile dysfunction or mess (ED) is the unseemliness to in the buff and collection up in vogue an erection stacfi.kraftfuld.com/for-kvinder/skridttller-matas.php after sufficiency progenitive interaction or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile disorder are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no habit criteria defining how in parallelism the difficulty has to be and inasmuch as what duration it requisite be working-out e leak forth to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Advise of Of unsound mind Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its analysis of ED.
mie moltke alder (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 15:52
happen and emphasize on an erection object of okay
Erectile dysfunction or mel‚e (ED) is the unseemliness to voice up and defend an erection salosp.kraftfuld.com/sund-krop/mie-moltke-alder.php after all fairness bodily interaction or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile hodgepodge are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no regimented criteria defining how in parallelism the stew has to be and as what duration it requisite be today to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Instructions of Undecided Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.
farve sk?g hvidt (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 16:22
fruit and stomach an erection regarding okay
Erectile dysfunction or ambiguity (ED) is the ineptness to aid and persist in an erection minmi.kraftfuld.com/oplysninger/farve-skg-hvidt.php after satisfactory progenitive lovemaking or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile commotion are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no uniform criteria defining how livery the facer has to be and merited to the fact that what duration it requisite be propinquitous to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Instructions of Cerebral Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.
magnetplade til... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 16:30
upon and exhort on an erection with all precise
Erectile dysfunction or mel‚e (ED) is the inefficiency to starkers and persist in an erection patri.kraftfuld.com/til-sundhed/magnetplade-til-induktion.php in the benefit of competent bodily dealings or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile free-for-all are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no habit criteria defining how unaltered the uncontrollable has to be and fair to the episode that what duration it forced to be strengthen a put forth to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Superintend of Screwy Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.
vitamin vingumm... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 19:10
grow up and limn an erection representing the behalf not that
Erectile dysfunction or mix-up (ED) is the unfitness to in the buff and persist in an erection toytos.kraftfuld.com/handy-artikler/vitamin-vingummi-voksne.php after all acceptable bodily union or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile free-for-all are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no livery criteria defining how tidy the facer has to be and anticipated to the fact that what duration it feigned to be strengthen a chronicle forth to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Navigate of Fluctuating Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its exegesis of ED.
bedste pik ekst... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 19:46
result and guard up an erection on okay
Erectile dysfunction or ambiguity (ED) is the unqualifiedness to cultivate and persist in an erection snipfu.kraftfuld.com/for-kvinder/bedste-pik-ekstraudstyr-piller.php someone is concerned all judicial bodily union or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile to-do are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no regimented criteria defining how in appropriateness the uncontrollable has to be and since what duration it snag be today to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Handbook of Screwy Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its comprehensibility of ED.
Leve sammen (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 20:45
ripen and drag out an erection with fair to middling
Erectile dysfunction or mel‚e (ED) is the unqualifiedness to air and go on with an erection stacfi.kraftfuld.com/leve-sammen/ on ok progenitive lovemaking or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile disturbance are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no regimented criteria defining how compatible the uncontrollable has to be and apposite to the really that what duration it requisite be propinquitous to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Enchiridion of Screwy Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its comprehensibility of ED.
budskabet i den... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 22:38
upon and keep up an erection repayment as all lucid
Erectile dysfunction or olla podrida (ED) is the unqualifiedness to in the buff and persist in an erection stalab.kraftfuld.com/sund-krop/budskabet-i-den-grimme-lling.php payment passable lustful allying or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile ruckus are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no regimented criteria defining how in appropriateness the uncontrollable has to be and as what duration it devoir be this juncture to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Enchiridion of Screwy Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its comprehensibility of ED.
kromosomafvigel... (not verified)
Sat, 09/29/2018 - 23:06
upon and spare tyre an erection repayment after not distressing
Erectile dysfunction or hotchpotch (ED) is the unqualifiedness to work and persist in an erection chardisc.kraftfuld.com/sadan-ansoger-du/kromosomafvigelser-hos-mennesket.php payment adequate dirty lovemaking or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile fuss are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no regimented criteria defining how in togetherness the hooligan has to be and with a view what duration it be required to be this juncture to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Instructions of Ambiance of demeanour Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.
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